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PO Box 402

Waller, TX 77484

713 806-2030​



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Events and Fundraisers

Check out our Facebook or Instagram pages often for current events, fundraisers, and other ways you can support our animals

Fall 2024 Fundraiser

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The long hot days of Summer are behind us and Fall is in the air.  Cooler weather means it's time for our annual hay and straw fundraiser.  Help us keep piggy houses warm and cozy with plenty of soft bedding to burrow in and hay to keep tummies full.  


Along with hay and straw this year we have three new intakes arriving in November - all with special needs.  We will need materials to build comfy piggy houses and enlarge pens for them as we help them work through the trauma that goes along with re-homing.  These pigs won't understand why they have to move and it is our number one priority to make their landing as soft as possible.  We can't do it without your help so please consider a donation this Fall.

Spring 2024 Special Needs Fundraiser

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2024 started a little rough… losing Arnold took its toll emotionally and financially. But Spring is here and it’s time to start moving forward again to keep improving the lives of our current and future residents.

Next on the list of projects is to fence off pasture space for our older and special needs pigs to have a safe space for grazing. This will also provide much needed exercise - especially for those that need to lose a few pounds. Our goal is $5,000 to pay for fencing, gates, and supplies to create a free range grazing pasture that we can open up during the day but pull pigs back in to their pens at night for feeding and bedtime.

Our funds are very depleted right now so we are asking for any help you can give. No amount is too small to make a difference!!

© 2024 by Flying Pigs Animal Sanctuary. Proudly created with

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